It's all about speed...
Early in development, someone asked me how fast Swift for Arduino was, compared to the standard IDE.
I recently did a speed test and the answer is... "fast"!
On this speed test it's 10% faster. The test was simple, digitalWrite on then off, on off, on off, etc. 8 times, then measure the results with a Saleae logic analyser.
Here's the test running on a classic Arduino IDE...
And now on Swift for Arduino...
... this, on a plain, unmodified, out of the box Arduino UNO, in a simple test and using the standard pin functions for flipping pins, Swift For Arduino took 3.8us (3.8 microseconds) and the classic Arduino IDE took 4.2us (4.2 microseconds). Without any modification, without any tricks and on a normal test, Swift for Arduino, writing using Swift code is 10% faster than the standard Arduino IDE using C code. We are very pleased with the results!

UPDATE: Tested on version 4.0 of Swift for Arduino, this is even faster! It now flips pins in 3.5us, which is 20% faster than the Arduino IDE version.
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